The nature laws





Obligation document for every scientist


Copyright © by Haertel Martin, All Rights Reserved, 12045 Berlin, Germany 2005

Email mailto:


At any time the scientists had great problems with the nature laws.

The aim of the author was to breakdown the nature laws in its basis completely.

This demanded a lot of years most intensive endeavour.


This work will work up the basis fundamentals of the nature by the newest sight.

It is going out from the theory of plus- minus- original charges


The aim always was absolutely honesty to the nature.

Considerateness to old wrong and doubtful opinion were strictly forbidden.


The first follow document 'Doctrine' deals with the most fundamental mechanisms of effects of the whole nature.

The second document 'Astro-Basis' is not always attached. It supplies the preconditions for the whole astronomy.


Much is presupposed as know.

If you are missing precognitions, there is referred to follow books respectively documents of the author.


All necessary basis informations to the nature laws are inside sub-documents of follow chapters respectively books:


Astronomie . . Astrophysik . . Elektro . . doctrine . . Kerne . . Kraft . . Strahlen . . Spezielles . . Teilchen







Document to the laws of nature - - Doctrine



1)     Tools, Basis-formulars. 3

1a)       Task. 3

1b)       Tools of the nature. 3

1c)       Main variables m and s. 3

1d)       Mistakes by not uniform parameters m and s. 4

1e)       Original charges and the main formulas. 4

1f)        Different areas and distances. 4

2)     Particles. 5

2a)       Strong/weak force/particles. 6

2b)       Original charges of 3- and 4-particles. 6

2c)       Angles and radii supply the wave-lenght 7

2d)       Permanent neutralizing strongs without turning back. 7

2e)       Quanting round strongs. 8

2f)        Force reversion. 8

2g)       Electrons - Positrons. 9

2h)       Electrons are circulating round the positron kernel 10

2i)        9 Groth of nucleons, big- / mininucleons. 10

3)     Layers, particles- body reversions, shells. 11

3a)       Levels. 11

3b)       Coat bulk of strongs. 11

3c)       Particle reversion, Energy alteration. 11

3d)       Celestrial bodies inside positive. 12

3e)       Force effects of celestrial bodies -- body reversion. 12

3f)        Superimposition of force. 12

3g)       Reach of forces. 13

4)     Shells, Stabilities. 13

4a)       Shells / reversed shells. 13

4b)       Quantity of shells, c, standing - rotating shells. 14

4c)       Intern - extern force diameter 15

4d)       Short-waved-particles inside. 15

4e)       Stabilities. 16

4f)        Closed / open Systems. 16

4g)       Impulse sentence is true. 16



I)                       Doctrine


Copyright © by Härtel Martin, Berlin, Germany 2005, All Rights Reserved,

This document shall explain the central fundamentals of the nature laws in a short form.


1)                 Tools, Basis-formulars


1a)          Task

Since alle times physicians from all over the world are seaching for the basis of the nature

In the follow is attempted to explain the basic laws of the nature exactly.


1b)          Tools of the nature

Follow catchwords must be explained for the comprehension of the natur:

1. Fundamental formulas

2. Areas and distances

3. Strong/weak force/particles

4. Waves and U4,

5. Quanting round strongs, neutralisation of strong

6. Reversion of force, electron

7. Levels

8. Reversion of partikles, bodies

9. Force superimposition

10. Shells, Reversion shells

11. Force diameter, Particles with shorter waves extrude them with longer waves

12. stabilities

13. closed - opened systems






















1c)          Main variables m and s

The nature has a lot of elements belonging together, which will be varified only by meter m and seconds s:

M masse = N / m/s² = N / m/s² = p * m*s² = I / m/s

I impuls = M * m/s = N * s = p * m² *s = E / m/s

N force = M * m/s² = p * m² = p * m² = E / m

P performance = M * m/s² *m/s = N * m/s = p * m² *m/s = E / s

p pressure = M * 1 / ms² = N / m² = E / m /m² = E / m³

E energy = M * m/s * m/s = N * m = p * m³ = M * m/s² *m























1d)          Mistakes by not uniform parameters m and s

With every computing you have to put in basically the correct parameters m and s.

If you are calculating the force, so the 'm' from E/m and 'm²' from p*m² have to match to each another.

That wrong parameters for m and s are used was standard in the past and resulted always to errors and clowing at the experts.

The speed m/s at E = M * m/s * m/s always has to match to E = M * m/s² * m.


1e)          Original charges and the main formulas

We call the most little particles of the nature 'original charges'.

They aren't composed of smaller particles. They radiate their energy equable into all directions.

Original charges supply optimal mathe because of their equable sphere structure.

E = p * m³ (results from p * m³ keeps here always the same; E-conservation 1, E = oriented by volume)


N = p * m² (pressure on sphere's surface)

N = area oriented

N = E / m (m proportional to the radius of the force belonging to sphere's surface)

E = M * m/s² *m (radius m is reversed proportional to the accelaeration of the original charge)


1f)            Different areas and distances

2 original charges repel each another at an unity plane area.

This area is unending large.

It may not be confound with the area of sphere's surface (nevertheless all are doing this).

At the most narrow point of both original charges the pressure to this plane area behaves according to 1/x³ at x-times distance variation.

At the most far point of this plane area (unendless) the pressure keeps the same (don't varify).

Thus by average the pressure behaves times 1/x² at x-distance variation of 2 original charges.

The area keeps the same. Therefore the force is changing by 1/x².

(The force of sphere's surface is changing times 1/x with x-times radius ! )



Work = N*m. Please don't confound with E = N*m !

At E= N*m this 'm' is referring on 'r' of charge's sphere !!!


2)                 Particles






































2a)          Strong/weak force/particles

Univers is compunded of positive and negative original charges (symmetry as assumption).

Every original charge has a strong force.

A positive and a negative original charge are realizing a rotating couple. They very neutralize themselves and are not important.

Odd particles like 3-, 5-, 7-, and so on- particles are strong particles and radiate a strong force to outside. They have one original charge more from one sort.

Even particles, like 4-, 6-, 8-, and so on- particles, are weak particles.


2b)          Original charges of 3- and 4-particles

At the negative 3-particle 2 negative original charges U2,3 are circulating round one positive central original charge U1.

The surplus of an original charge makes this odd strong.


Negative weaks are minos, positive are called plusos.

At a 4-particle one original charge U4 is circulating roun a contrary directed 3-particle.

To far outside placed reference areas U4 has by average a bigger distance and a mutual repelling angle than the opposite effecting kernel.

Is radius of U4 bigger than the sum of the radii of U2 and U3, so U4 is effecting to far outside weaker.


2c)          Angles and radii supply the wave-lenght

The bigger the radius of U4 against that of U2+U3, the powerfuller effects the weak 4-particle to outside.

If one assumes rU2+U3 is 0m, so the force of the 4-particle increases with x-times change of radius about times x² to outside.

The radius r of U4 supplies the wave-lenght of these weaks.

A 4-particle has only one difference force to outside, which is coming up by angles and radii.

This is the weak force.


2d)          Permanent neutralizing strongs without turning back

An odd particle has a strong force to outside and is attracting all contrary.

Is a negative strong coming to a positive strong, both neutralize each another by building one or more weaks.

In no times from one weak 2 strongs are coming into being.

Exceptions are collisions with nearly unendless big pressures.

If they get thereby such a big impulse that the fleeing speed is high enough respectively they were quickest surrounded with enough weaks, then they keep apart.











































2e)          Quanting round strongs

Is a negative 3-particle attracting enough contrary positive weaks, so it is building a positive cout round itself (the strong negative).

The negative strong is attracting the positive U4 arriving 4er-paricles and accelerates it.

In this halve-circle U4 it is becoming faster up to reach the nearest point to the strong.

Afterwards U4 will be breaked up to the farest point to the strong.

In the near halve-circle it is faster and by time shorter.

In the far away halve-circle it is slower and by time longer.

Therefore this 4-particle is changing its positive energy to the strong into a negative and will trace back.

Then the speed of U4 will assimilate. Then the 4-particle affects again positive to the negative strong.

Now it will accelerate again to the strong. Then again back, and forth, and back, and so on.

It will stabilize its position at a spezial distance to the strong.

So most weaks will quant respectively park at a spezial distance round the strongs.






































2f)            Force reversion

The same large quantities of weaks are doing, which are quanting round the strong.

The force of the weaks behaves with x-times distance to outside about up to 1/x³-times, this of the strong times 1/x².

The many positive weaks make the border of this whole particle positive, behind them this positive is descending faster than the strong.

At a definite distance we habe a reversion of force from weak positive to strong negative.






2g)          Electrons - Positrons

Electrons have in its center one strong positive particle und round it large quantities of negative weaks (minos).

At the border an electron is negative, far away strong positive.

Therefore electrons repel at the border all negatives, farther away already all positives (respectively reflection positron exactly reversed).


Electrons and positrons are thereby extremly stabil.

One normal is a standard- electron respectively positron.

Is the coat of weaks bigger or smaller, we name it big- respectively mini- elektrons (-positrons).


2h)          Electrons are circulating round the positron kernel

A positron attracts elektrons from far.

Has a positron at the border enough plusos masse, then this positive is compeling the arriving electron aside and into an orbit round the positron.

To far outside the whole will become positive now and is again attracting positrons.

Don't intercepts the electron the new positron, then this will speed to the first positron.

Both positrons repel each another. But however they were hold together by their great mutual masse of plusos.


2i)             9 Groth of nucleons, big- / mininucleons

Now the 2-times strong kernel of 2 positrons attracts a further electron.



Then rotatary there is now attracting each one further positron respectively electron, whereby the positrons increase the more times strong negative kernel and the electrons are circulation round this kernel.

Regardless of backstrokes this mininucleon is always growthing, up to the last most extern electron will become so instabil, that it will rotate with huge distance round the proton.

Now we habe a H-atom.



3)                 Layers, particles- body reversions, shells


3a)          Levels

The nature has 5 elementary layers.

Layer 1 includes all particles, which are compunded of only one rotation system.

Layer 2a are completely strongs respectively weaks (for ex. electrons / positrons).

Layer 2b consists of more times strongs (for ex. kernel of nucleons)

Layer 3a is the complete nucleon.

Layer 3b are the alfa particles of the atomic kernel.

Layer 3c supplies the complete atomic kernel construction.

Layer 4a includes the whole atom.

Layer 4b are molecules.

Layer 4c are bodies of many atoms respectively molecules.

Layer 4d are single celestrial bodies, like asteroids, moon, earth and sun.

Layer 5a is the sun system.

Layer 5b is a galaxis.

Layer 5c in compounded of a 'heap' of galaxis.

Layer 5d is a big aggregation of such 'heaps'.





3b)          Coat bulk of strongs

Are coming one equal strong positron and electron together, then they don't compel each another into an orbit. The same occurs, if their coats are too large.

Comes an electron with a large negative coat in the near of a nucleon kernel (huge positive coat), then it will be caught into the kernel.

The strong odd (for ex. 3-) particles of the positron and this electron neutralizing themselves by constuction of weaks (6-).


3c)          Particle reversion, Energy alteration

The positive weaks of the positron coat and the negative weaks of the electron coat now first mutual take away their most extern original charges The rest attracts mutually strongly.

Permanently weaks were reworked, from plus to minus and invers.

The permanent rework is ending als late as if only still positive or negative weaks keep remaining.


Is the positive coat of the mininukleon bigger than the negative of the electron, then it is more probablier by this factor, that the positive coat round the positrons will win.

Al minos of the electrons were reworked into plusos.

So negative energy is changing to positive and strong particles (also stron energy) are alternating to weaks (respectively weak energy)


3d)          Celestrial bodies inside positive

Growths a celestrial body, the inside pressure is increasing.

Thereby it pressures large quantities of minos of the atomic borders to outside.

Inside the body always is becoming less negativ, up it will be rather positive.

If a little body continues grothing, it can become fluid underneath its border.

Thereby often its hard positive kernel would be more light than the fluid around it.

Then the kernel will drift to outside, will decay there into continental clods or will leave the mother planet as rather positive moon.


3e)          Force effects of celestrial bodies -- body reversion

Celestrial bodies are effecting positive from inside center, negative from the coat and again positive at far away.

The sun effects negative up to far over its planet system, then again positive.

Suns and Planets are grothing. The at its border negative sun captures from outside coming material into an orbit.

With a definite diameter this orbit captures the most. Further inside and outside the material groth is less.

We assume our sun captures the most in the area of the asteroid belt.

Permanently there are grothing bodies. At its borders they are effecting negativ, further away again positive.

They are increasing with different speed. If a bigger body is reaching a smaller with the negative force, it will attract them. Both will unit or shoot each another out of the old orbit.

Therefore we get permanently new comets with other orbits. With enough speed and direction they also can leave our sun system.


3f)            Superimposition of force


You can take 2 speakers with 10 and with 20 watt.

One man is standing for ex. 1m left of the 10w speaker, the 20w 1m right of the 10w.

At x-times distance the loudness descends 1/x²-times

The man hears the 10w according the 1m distance with 1-times intensity, the 20w with 2 times ¼-times intensity, so with the halve.

Although the 20w tinges the 2-times noise, the man is hearing it at above 1. position more weak than the 10w.


















Goes the man 1,5m zurück, he will hear the near 10 W only yet with 1/6,25 intensity (1,54W) and the 20 W with 1/3,5²=1/12,25 (*20=1,633W).

At position 2 the man will hear the 20 W louder than the 10 W, althoug he is still further away.

















3g)          Reach of forces

Above we have a superimposition of particles and forces.

All forces of the nature are working exaxtly by this scheme. All forces are into one another.

It is only depending on the distances, where which force surpasses the others.

Above force with short reach (10 W) is in an exactly definable volume-range more powerful than that with greater reach.

We have short reaches above all at weaks against strongs, at the force of minos at the border of atomic kernels and at the bonds between atoms.

We have long reaches at strongs and at less 'neutralized' (for ex. long-waved against short- waved minos, or at big orbits).



4)                 Shells, Stabilities

4a)          Shells / reversed shells

Electrons are circulating round one contrary kernel.

Hereby they have to outside a mutual repelling angle and a bigger average distance than the kernel

Therby the negative long-distance force of the kernel prevails.

Up to a little bit over the last most extern electron the average force is negativ.

Outside the last electron shell we have a force reversion to positive, which attracts negative minos.

There can accumulate so much minos, that there outside a negative shell comes into being, which does not groth from unendlessness but increases from the minos.

New arriving minos dam in front of the negative, the reversion shell.

These minos again build a reversion shell, before it there again dam minos, and so on.















4b)          Quantity of shells, c, standing - rotating shells

Every force center attracts weaks.

If there reversion shell are coming into being, possibly very many shells can build up one after another.

The reversion shells are mostly empty and can accelerate contrary weaks partly extrem.

Light-particles are being accelerated so to c.

Here the force of the reversion shell and of the particle delivers the energy E = M * c².

Standing shells are being built up round nucleons, alfas, atomic kernels, atoms, molecules, bigger bodies (for ex. magnets, celestial bodies)

Above all we fing rotating shells in the astronomy.



















































4c)          Intern - extern force diameter

Weaks of layer 1 (for ex. 4-particles) have at the radius of the most external original charge their intern diameter.

They have a force to outside, with what restified particles repel one another respectively hold each another up to the much-billion times of r on distance.

Depending on the powerness of the force center, which produces the shell, so greatly the weaks are being pressured to one another wihin the shell.

We call the distance of the particles within a shell the extern diameter / radius.

It is also named force diameter.


4d)          Short-waved-particles inside

Weaks of layer 1 can drive slalom round other shells or can be captured into them.

Longer-waved-minos are more powerful and get caught far outside in the shell system.

Shorter-waved-minos can curve between the more longer-waved-particles deeper to interior

They extrude in their shell longer-waved-minos, which were at the shell border. These extrude longer-waved of the next extern shell, those again such of the overnext longer-waved shell, and so on.

In course of time always more short-waved-minos are accumulating deeper in the material. Outside we really have the most long-waved of all particles.


4e)          Stabilities

The nature produces great stabilities, which are varifying only under special conditions.

For ex. electron rings cause, that only very short-wave-particles can advance to the kernels.

2-times force reversion at electron, positron, borders of nucleon and atom, as well as larger bodies are weaking the intrude both the negative and the positve particles.

More times force reversion of many shells protect to inside increasing better.

Body reversions cause powerful restified shells.

Every wave-lenght is belonging to its shell.


4f)            Closed / open Systems

If the intern distance of a particle respectively a system will not be varifyed, then also their energy don't changes (E-conservation 2 respectively 3). The system is closed.

If the intern distance of a particle respectively a system will be changed, then the energy of this particle respectively system and the energy of all superior layers are changing ! The system is open.

Is a shell accelerating a light-minos with light-c to outside, the atom will be pushed according to the impulse sentence to its masse a little bit backwards.


4g)          Impulse sentence is true

Here the impulses keep conservated.

The change of locations basically effects to the rest of the whole universum.

Also here the summarized impulses of the whole universum keep conserved.

The varified distances and angles deliver new movements. But they keep fundamentally within the whole conservation sentence for impulse.